Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7 2014

With heavy hearts we said goodbye to my beautiful Mom. She always stayed positive! She is meeting her Maker and will be perfectly healthy now and forever. I am thankful for the peace, knowing there is so much more for her. God is so good!

Iris Anne Giesbrecht
September 13, 1953 – March 7, 2014
The coloured part of the eye
A poetic word for rainbow
A flower
Our wife, mother, grandmother, friend
God’s Child
Iris' family regretfully announce her peaceful
passing on March 7th, 2014. She had a short
battle with cancer and is now in a better place.
She will be remembered for loving, caring
and blessing others and her joyous laugh. She
was very kind and always put everyone else
first. Her famous saying was "let's go make
memories". She was the picture taking queen.
She dedicated her life to her family and had
great compassion that extended far beyond.
Always a woman of strong faith, she raised
her children and grandchildren with the same
dedication to God. She will be greatly missed
by her husband, Menno Giesbrecht; her
daughters, Tara-Lynn (Rod) Ollerhead and
their children Jaden and Noah, Kelly-Anne
(Ken) Bodvarson and their children Emma
and Jacob; and her sister Meryl (Jack) Anema
and their son Jason (Laura) Anema and their
daughter Jasmine; as well as extended family
and friends. Donations can be made to The
Rock Church-Bibleville (Box 7875 Stn Main,
Saskatoon S7K 4R5). A Celebration of Life
will be held at Elim Church (419 Slimmon
Rd) on Wednesday, March 12th at
2:00 p.m. Arrangements in care of -
C 9 2 9 9 6 9

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Wonderful Mom!!!


It's been a really emotional few days. I thought I would share with friends and family from my blog since it’s really hard talking to people at this time. In December my parents called me (I was in California at the time) to tell me they just found out my Mom had kidney cancer. There was a large tumor, and some of the cancer had spread to the lungs. The surgeon was confident she would be able to remove the tumor and kidney without any rupture. So, my Mom being the strong woman she is asked if she is okay to travel because the whole family is going to California for Christmas. The surgeon said it was fine and they scheduled the removal as soon as they could.

When my Mom got to California she was so exhilarated! She said several times, this Christmas is for family, this is the best Christmas we’ve had. She said I still can’t believe I have cancer but I’ll think about the future when our Christmas time is over. I still can’t believe the energy she had!

My family left on Jan 2 to drive back home. Everything was perfect with my Mom! On January 5 my Dad and sister took her to the hospital because basically her brain wasn’t telling her body what to do, no strength, confusion etc… She was in the California hospital till she arrived at University hospital Jan 12. She was moved to St. Pauls to have her surgery.

The surgery was a success. She started being able to walk around and things looked really good but the same episode happened again, and this time worse as it took her awhile to be able to eat on her own. We couldn’t get any more answers, as they just kept telling us it’s the surgery recovery etc… Finally she was transferred to University Hospital. Dr’s did tests and couldn’t find anything.
They started her on chemo pills. Then we had an amazing Dr. take over her case and he was relentless, telling us he’s going to get to the bottom of this and that Iris is a special case. He found some cancer on her spine. They immediately did radiation on that area. She had good parts of the day and not so good parts, but she never complained about it! One day she felt so good she even asked me to get a day pass to leave.

On Feb 26 my Mom started to be unresponsive. She couldn’t talk, she couldn’t move, she would try and answer questions with blinks and grunts. The Dr. took her off the chemo pills and said he’d start them again when she’s responsive because there is something else going on here. Dr’s took every sort of test. Each day she was a little less responsive.

On March 2 we got the worst news from the Dr.  her organs were starting to shut down, her lungs are collapsing, slow pulse and worst of all her kidney isn’t working to eliminate the toxins. He said these toxins are in her bloodstream and they are attaching themselves to her nerves and muscles. This Dr. who had so much hope and confidence in Mom’s recovery just told us that there is nothing they can do.
This brings us to where we are at currently. We do not know what God’s plans are. I pray healing and restoration for her but I also know that it’s God’s plan, We have the peace and comfort of knowing she will be in Heaven and we will see her soon!

  My Mom has and is such a blessing to so many people! Me especially! We have been blessed as a family to have such a positive, encouraging, woman of God who has impacted our lives in so many ways!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

CCSVI-Before and After

Thank-you for all your prayers and kind words prior to and after my procedure.  It has been just over a month since my procedure and it has flown by like crazy.  I wanted to post an update on how things are going for me since my procedure.

 Dr. Arata at Synergy performed the procedure this time.  The Dr. who performed my procedure last time at this facility specializes in other vascular issues now.  Dr. Arata decided he would be the only Dr. at his office preforming this procedure because of his experience in this field, he has done extensive research into CCSVI and why many people with MS have this autonomic nervous system disorder.  I found this experience totally different than the one I had in March of 2011.  He explained in depth on how Zamboni had it right about the veins in CCSVI, but that it isn’t that they are just narrow but that the Autonomic nervous system has switched from pumping blood through the jugulars, azygus and sometimes renal veins in people who have abnormal veins, in my case they’re kind of warped around each other,  my nervous system found an easier route at some point and disregarded trying to go through the veins they are supposed to go through, whether it was at some point narrowed, blocked a bit, because of the valves  making the veins less accessible I’m not sure of that part.  He explained so much and I was trying to grasp it all, this is stuff I will research more on in the future.  Basically by performing this procedure, it resets the system so the blood flows properly.

 They performed so many tests prior to and the day after my procedure to check on differences for comparison.  One of the major things they noted was that my foot temperature had gone up 5 degrees; I knew something was different in my feet because they were pink instead of no color like Rod says.  The other thing was this crazy sweat test they perform.  They put these pads on your arms, legs and feet and inject a gel into these pads that are strapped on and it tests how easily you sweat.  The test the day before was so painful, like burning pins in my skin as it heated up.  I asked her if this is normal and she said it hurts for people who have a hard time sweating (part of the ANS system too).  This test took about 20 mins.  They day after my procedure she did it again and they didn’t even have to tell me it’s changed cuz the test only felt uncomfortable and was finished in 10 mins.  When they did give me the results, they told me there was not only and improvement but that it is in the normal range considered for anybody.

I had an MRV done the day prior and one the day after.  I got a DVD of both and haven’t had time to look at them yet.

God started bringing this all together a few months ago.  It started with healing on the inside.  I had started to feel really inadequate; I could do less and less mentally and physically.  I received poor MRI results in the spring showing I had several new lesions on my brain.  I kind of knew it as my cognitive function and ability to handle stress had plummeted.  I started reading a book called “Battlefield of the mind” by Joyce Meyer and God revealed to me how I may not be perfect in health but there is nothing wrong with me and everything right with me.  I had many years of feeling helpless, being unable to do the things I saw everyone else doing.  When I’d have an “MS” day/s I’d feel like a bad Mom, wife, daughter and employee. 

The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.  John 10:10 (Good News Translation)
God started transforming me inside first.  Before I even planned this procedure I was given a prophetic word by a guest pastor that my storm was almost over and that God was going to turn my mourning into dancing.  As much as I loved to hear that, I said to Rod, my storm is almost over?  I didn’t know what or how God was going to work in me until it all started to unfold.  Well soon after that it all started.  As you probably read in my prayer request email it all came together so seamlessly.  Looking back I think about how long it takes people to get in for this procedure, how Rod asked his boss to work remotely for 5 weeks just 2 weeks prior etc...  I’m still in awe.
God works in so many ways and usually the way you think it will happen is not the way God has it planned.  Why would God do it the way I thought it should be done? 

I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.  Jeremiah 29:11  (The Message)

The Symptoms (Before and After so far)

I’m giving all the details here, as I know my family, friends, and others that may benefit or want to know how it’s worked for me.  I am normally a private person but I’m just putting my personal, somewhat embarrassing stuff out there.  I am in no way perfect after this procedure but I do have substantial improvements!

**More energy (this was one of the worst symptoms I dealt with daily, not just tired but debilitating fatigue.  I would have a nap almost every day just to continue for the rest of the day.  It would hit just as bad if it was mental fatigue from work/stress as if it was physical.  I took anti fatigue pills endlessly which have so many side effects.  The last 4 months I was taking these pills daily and sometimes more than once daily if I had something I needed to attend or house work etc…) 

Since the procedure I have had one nap.  I’ve been tired but nothing like the fatigue I felt.

**On top of that I have noticed real changes in my “brain fog”.  Some days I would know exactly what’s going on, but other days I could listen or read something and be like, “what the heck, I don’t get this”.  This was always worse when I didn’t feel fully rested.  I still need to exercise my brain cuz I notice that if I get a bit stressed trying to figure things out that I start to shut down and stop trying.

** Being fully rested was an issue all the time even though I had daily naps.  I almost never slept through the night, It started because I had to get up to go to the washroom and I think my body reset itself and thought I should not be able to fall back asleep, cuz it could take hours sometimes.  Then after a while one bathroom trip became 2-3 every night, the worst thing was I felt like I had to go so bad but I didn’t.  Now since my procedure I have only gotten up two nights to go to the bathroom, and I think it’s partially because I’ve been drinking so much tea. 

**My right hand and forearm (left hand just a bit) were always numb feeling.  It’s the hardest feeling to explain but it’s almost like frost bite that never goes away, sometimes painful but usually not.  Unfortunately I still have this same feeling, but Rod mentioned the week before that my right hand looks purple, he hadn’t noticed before and I think it got worse looking but had always looked discolored and two days after the procedure he said my hand looks pinkish. 

**I used to be constipated, like to the point sometimes of having to take an exlax because it had been a week and my stomach was so bloated.  Now I am not. 

**I had really bad balance some days.  Some days when I’d lose my balance a bit it was like someone you see who is drunk feeling woozy and trying to catch themselves.  I’ve got improved balance, not perfect but better. 

**Once a week at least I would feel dizzy/nauseous and feel like throwing up.  That hasn’t happened. 

**One big one was the pain I had on a daily basis (this one isn’t commonly fixed by this procedure because it is past damage and not the ANS symptoms of CCSVI, other than headache) my pain was from head, behind ear, jaw, shoulder and then under the back rib and above the hip.  This pain would roam all the time.  I’d never have the pain on both sides but always on one side in all the places noted.  I took pain pills after pain pills trying to find the right one.  I started on this one that you have to ramp up to the dose you need because of the side effects involved, this one helped the most but never took the pain away.  Since the procedure I don’t have pain like I did.  I can still feel muscle tension but its muscle pain instead of the nerve and muscle pain.  It used to get so bad some nights that I couldn’t sleep.  2 days prior to procedure I decided since I had to fast for a day that I’m quitting all my medications cold turkey.  This was something that no doctor would recommend cuz I was on a lot that have serious withdrawal symptoms but I just felt I need to do this.  I’ve been relying on medication for too long.  So it’s not just a little relief it’s huge as I was on the highest dose for this medication. 

**Stress had started to get bad for me, in the last year and a half, I couldn’t handle normal stress like I should be able to, but in the last 4 months everything that didn’t go as planned or something popped up that required me to strategize/figure out how to deal with it was an issue.  My brain and body would just start shutting down.  My MRI results had shown several additional lesions on my brain, in the past it was mostly on the spinal cord.  The ones that were on my brain were related to cognitive portions of the brain-- problem solving etc… I was living in chronic stress mode. Everything at work seemed to be stressful, even though it was my normal work life, it got to the point that I decided to give my notice and leave my job, but opted for my Dad’s suggestion of working from home. I don’t know where I am at with that because I’m not feeling chronically stressed right now, but I will try to avoid anything that can bring it on.  This is also something I need to continue to pray for, I’ve developed a habit of dealing with things the same way, either ignore it, or deal with it and let myself shut down, so I was mainly just avoiding any potential problem.

**My legs weren’t a huge issue prior unless I walked for a long time which they would then become tingly and numb the next day, or if I stood stationary for a long time.  I had no drive to walk around much for fear of that feeling coming on.  After walking too long in the last week my legs have been really weak feeling, not tingly or numb (like muscles I’ve never used being sore to the point I can hardly stand, so I need to stop prior to it getting this way.  I just don’t know yet when it’ll happen.  I’m not used to walking for more than a short grocery trip so it’s learning my limits in each situation.

I know I’ve been relaxing in beautiful California so I’m not in my regular routine, already so much better, so everything else to come is more icing on the cake I can’t have!  I’ve gone gluten free as the Dr. says that diet has so much to do with this condition.  The bonus is Rod has decided to give it a try too, for a Dr. to convince my genius (he is an actual genius) husband of how diet affects everything and give him facts that he doesn’t question is a Dr. who has his research right.   

Thank-you again for your love and support! 

Tara-Lynn Ollerhead

For everything there is a season,
    a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
    A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
    A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
    A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
    A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
    A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
    A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
    A time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3 (NLT)



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pre ccsvi procedure

Dec 2/2013
 Hi to my wonderful family and friends!!   Some of you don't know my plan to have the CCSVI (liberation treatment ) again.  It was decided very quickly when I found out there was an opening around the time we planned on being in California for Christmas. It's been almost 3 years since I had this procedure done.   Average restenosis rate is 12-18 months.   Rod and I have been talking about it for awhile now because I haven't been feeling great lately and decided to go ahead with it in the future to prolong any additional symptoms and being up my quality of life.  CCSVI is only a part of my MS.   It happens to be that many people who have MS have CCSVI.   This procedure helps the symptoms associated with CCSVI.   But I know that God has been working on me for the last 3 months and how this all came together in the last month is totally God adding to what He's been doing.   God works in many different ways and healing isn't always immediate.  God can and will work through this Dr.  I believe I will come back restored!

Sorry,  I'm so out of order in this email. I'm reading it,  then adding to it out of order.I'm over tired from the long drive,  too excited,  nervous and trying to remember to include all the deets so I'm not going to worry about it! 

I told my parents our decision to do the procedure in the next year.   They were happy and told me they are,  and insisted on taking care of the cost and to get in whenever I can.   We are so thankful for their blessing in this!   

Tomorrow I have an MRV (just like an MRI but they also inject a dye into your veins to show problem areas )at6:30 am.  Then I meet with Dr. Arata after he looks over results.   He'll give me the low down on which veins he needs to clear up and answer questions we have. 

I'm so glad Rod is with me remember everything too! 

Then at 10 am on  Wed is my procedure.   By mid afternoon I'll be back at the hotel.   The following day I go for a post op apoint,  and then we go from Newport beach to palm springs.   My parents and Noah join us on Dec 16 and Jaden comes on the 24 as he doesn't want to miss school (grade 12).  We drive home on Jan 3.  My sister and her family have just decided to join us for Christmas so that is exciting too!

So Rod and I are here for a nice long holiday, although he'll be working remotely and I'll be working part time as well.   We're blessed to be able to work remotely! 

I know everything will go perfectly and God will direct the doctors hands and decisions!   And the nurse will find a vein for my IV on the first try!!!! 

Please pray for me, that everything goes perfect before,  during and after procedure, and that I am fully restored inside and out. 

And that I can keep up with the intense food restrictions they recommend for people with MS. 

I'll email details when I return. 

Thanks for everyone's prayers over the past years!   I really appreciate it and your continued prayer.   Rod and I both have an amazing family and great friends!!! 

Love Tara-Lynn Ollerhead 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I have been thinking a lot about GMO's lately, watching documentaries and reading up on Monsanto and can't believe first of all, we ever got to this point, second of all why Canada and the US are so behind the times in Genetically Engineered Food labelling laws!

How can we not have the right to choose if we want GMO food or not?
Click on this link to view the Breakdown of GMO label laws by Country.

I also am pretty disgusted that in 2001 Loblaws grocers, Superstores, Extra Foods etc...  made it mandatory for distributors to remove any GMO labelling.  So companies who had GMO free products were not allowed in their stores if they labelled it GMO free!!  This made distributors remove this, and also stay quite about it in fear of losing space in these huge grocery stores.

Read on how Monsanto started:

With Monsanto and GMO's being introduced less than 20 years ago, it seems very apparent to me that this plays a large part in the sickness in North America.  Teens and children have basically lived their whole lives ingesting GMO's, as it was growing each year.  Their immune systems haven't been built up like us 30plus adults and look how sick we are getting!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

IV supplements

I have gone for 5 IV vitamin treatments.  The vitamin concoction is called the Meyers cocktail.  On top of that glutathione is added after it is complete.
It takes about one hour.  The first 3 times I felt horrible that day and the next two days, but the 4th and 5th time I felt really good.  My naturopath said that my body is trying to get rid of the excess toxins that I have built up from the Lyme and the vitamins stir things up to excrete them, so hopefully this is going to continue in a positive way.
I met a lady who was getting a different treatment in the office and she said 2 of her family members have Lyme and they felt the same way, it has been a really long road for each of them, took over a year each to start feeling better, especially the cousin who had to take a year off work before he even knew he had Lyme.  They were tested in Arizona I believe.  She said now they are doing fine and not taking antibiotics etc...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Well, I have been on anti-biotics (zithromax) since May 16, 2013.  I know it's only been 2.5 weeks but I do notice changes already.  The first week I went through a herx reaction, ( click on link below to read more about these reactions) so I felt really drained and almost felt like I had the flu for several days.  When it went away I started to feel less fatigued, I was actually energetic and outside planting flowers, cleaning the house etc...
The only downside from the anti-biotics is I can't sleep through the night.  I've always gotten up during the night as my bladder doesn't allow me to sleep through and I drink a lot of water, but since the anti-biotics I actually wake up and cannot fall back asleep for an hour.  It happens at least once a night but usually twice on top of waking to go to the bathroom.  It actually really sucks because I leave the bedroom so I don't wake my husband and watch TV, I hope my body can't develop a habit from this!  I am anticipating this goes away with continued treatment.
I will also start on supplements later this week to help with assisting my body in detoxing. 
These bugs are going to continue to die and I need to be patient, its just gross to think of this ugly bacteria growing inside me, trying to fight my body.