Monday, May 6, 2013

Plant Based Diet for MS

I have been drinking vegetable and fruit smoothies once a day for a few months now, less a day or two here and there and eating a lot of vegetables and generally feeling a lot better than I usually do.  The exception has been the last month though, so I have started to think about the plant based diet for MS.
No red meat for 3 years!?  Yikes, I basically couldn't use any condiments which would mean I really couldn't eat out. 
I can totally do this, what I'm doing now is helping me but not healing me so I think I need to take it one step further.  I am totally not starting till next week!

Plant-Based Diets for Multiple Sclerosis

The distinguished neurologist Roy Swank‘s low saturated fat diet remains the “most effective treatment of multiple sclerosis ever reported in the peer review literature.” In patients with early stage MS, 95% were without progression of their disease 34 years after adopting his meat and dairy-restricted diet. Even patients with initially advanced disease showed significant benefit. To date, no medication or invasive procedure has ever come close to demonstrating such success.
To understand one reason why a plant-based diet may be so successful in treating the disabling auto-immune disease, one has to first understand how the immune system works. This was one of the greatest mysteries in all of biology—solved by a brilliant scientist who won the Nobel in 1960 for figuring it out.
As I illustrate in my 3-min. video Clonal Selection Theory of Immunity, each one of our antibody-producing immune cells, called B-cells, produces only one type of antibody. Antibodies are one of the main weapons our immune system uses to attack foreign invaders. And they’re specific. It’s not just like we have one B-cell that covers grass pollen and another that covers bacteria, we have a B-cell in our body whose only job is to make antibodies against the pollen of purple Siberian oniongrass! (whether or not we ever come in contact with it). Another whose only job is to make antibodies against the tail proteins of bacteria that live only in the thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean…
Wait a second. There must be a billion different things in the world. If each of our B cells produces only one type of antibody, then we’d need to have a billion different types of B cells. And we do!
So, let’s suppose one day you’re walking along and get attacked by a platypus (they have poison spurs on their heels you know). And so for your whole life up until that point the B-cell in your body that produces antibodies against duck-billed platypus venom was just hanging around, twiddling its thumbs, until that very moment. As soon as the venom is detected it starts dividing like crazy, making copies of itself, and soon you have a whole swarm of clones specialized for platypus poison protection. Fending off the toxin, you live happily ever after. That is how the immune system works. Aren’t our bodies spectacular?
If we have a billion different types of antibody-producing B cells, each capable of recognizing a different molecular signature, why then do we tend not to attack ourselves? And how can what we eat sometimes undermine this inherent protection from autoimmune disease? Click on the above video pick to find out.
One answer may have to do with IGF-1, a cancer-promoting growth hormone. For more on IGF-1, see The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle and How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1?
IGF-1 also appears to affect prostate gland growth. See Some Prostates Are Larger than Others, Prostate Versus Plants, and Prostate Versus a Plant-Based Diet.

    In health,
    Michael Greger, M.D.

    Read more:

    Here is the basic infor on the Swank Diet:

    About the Swank Low-Fat Diet for the Treatment of MS.

    We are about to show you a sensible plan for balanced nutrition developed over a 50-year period of research with hundreds of MS patients. After reading the following, you may wish to print out our Quick Reference and Diet Recording Form to keep handy as you learn the diet. To learn even more, read Dr. Swank's groundbreaking book.

    THE DIET 60 years ago Dr. Roy Swank discovered that a low-fat diet, very low in saturated fats and polyunsaturated oils, helps MS patients live healthy and productive lives. Also low in red and other fatty meats, high in grains, fruits and vegetables, it is simple to follow and in many cases alleviates chronic symptoms. Some of his very first patients are still ambulatory and leading independent lives thanks to following Dr. Swank's regimen for the last half-century.
    There was a time – say, around the time your great-great-grandparents (give or take a great) were around – when if we ate bread, we knew the person who grew the wheat. We were, after all, an agrarian society. As industrialization overtook the farming lifestyle, the population moved from the country and in many cases became wealthier as city economies boomed. We began to eat more meat and the fat content of our diet increased rapidly. The food industry became industrialized, and heavily processed foods grew to dominate the U.S. food supply. (We sadly note this occurring in China and India today.)
    With this rise in fat consumption, ills like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis have also risen to affect more and more of the population.
    For the most benefit, the Swank MS Foundation advocates adoption of the diet as soon as possible after MS is diagnosed. Hand-in-hand with the diet are other important ingredients to living a healthy life: adequate rest, reduced stress, and an optimistic, attitude that having MS is above all a call to live life to its best and fullest.
    Adopting the Swank MS Diet may at first seem to require much discipline and dedication, but after an initial adjustment period it will be second nature as any diet. But about 60 years and thousands of healthy lives later, Swank's discovery has proven to be physically rewarding and surprisingly easy to follow. See our Message Board and Personal Stories pages to see for yourself!
    Besides the classic Swank MS Diet outlined by Dr. Swank and Barbara Dugan in The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book, new research has inspired variations on the classic diet. Keep reading for a more in-depth look at the classic Swank MS Diet regimen and keep in touch with new information.
    All dairy products must be non-fat or contain no more than 1 gram of saturated fat per serving. The recommended daily amount is two (2) servings.

    (1 cup = 1 serving)

    The following foods are permissible in any amount:

    • Non-fat milk or skimmed milk
    • Evaporated skimmed milk
    • Powdered skimmed milk
    • Non-fat buttermilk (without butter bits added)
    • Non-fat or dry curd cottage cheese
    • Fat-free cheese
    • Non-fat sour cream
    • Non-fat yogurt
    • Non-fat ice cream
    • Butter Buds®
    • Molly McButter®
    • Cooking sprays
    Products to be avoided are as follows:
    • Margarine
    • Butter
    • Shortening
    • Lard
    • Cocoa butter
    • Coconut oil
    • Palm oil
    • Hydrogenated oil
    • Imitation dairy products
    EGGS. The white of the egg contains no fat. The yolk contains 5 grams of mostly saturated fat. You are allowed three eggs per week, but no more than one per serving. One complete egg = 5 grams of saturated fat.

    It is not necessary to count the small amount of fat or oil found in the grains, cereals, rice and pastas in your diet. The recommended daily amount is four (4) servings.

    GRAINS & CEREALS. You are encouraged to use whole-grain products as much as possible. Refined, un-enriched products provide very little, if any, vitamin source. All bread products are permissible. This includes white bread, whole wheat bread, sourdough bread, English muffins, bagels and all the other grain breads available. The natural grains provide bulk in the diet and aid in elimination. Although these products may contain a small amount of saturated fat, it has been accounted for in the body of the diet. Avoid items such as muffins containing an undesirable oil, pastry, cakes, pies or any other product made with hydrogenated palm or coconut oil, lard, butter, margarine, shortening or vegetable oil that is not defined.

    Cold and hot cereals are permissible on the diet. The most economical are usually the ones with the least amount of saturated fat. Cheerios®, shredded wheat, Wheaties®, puffed rice and Grape Nuts® are almost fat-free and less expensive. Watch granola; it is usually high in fat. All hot cereals are permissible, e.g., Cream of Wheat®, Cream of Rice®, oatmeal, cornmeal and any other rich grain used for cereal.
    PASTA & RICE. Refined pastas and rice are permissible in any amount, but whole grain pastas are preferred.

    CRACKERS. Snack crackers containing no shortening, butter, margarine or processed oils are permissible. Rye-Krisp®, melba toast, matzo bread, non-fat saltines, fat-free graham crackers and non-fat tortilla chips are acceptable snacks. Avoid all commercially prepared chips and fancy crackers.

    PASTRY. Commercially-prepared pastry usually contains shortening, butter, margarine and/or processed oil. Therefore, you should avoid these foods.

    Angel food cake does not contain egg yolks or shortening and can be used as an acceptable dessert.

    COMMERCIALLY PREPARED FOOD. Any boxed or canned food containing processed oil (hydrogenated), shortening or butter and exceeding 1 gram of saturated fat per serving is to be avoided. Some acceptable products are available. Read labels and be sure to check serving size.

    CONDIMENTS. With the exception of mayonnaise, condiments such as mustard, catsup, relish, barbeque sauces, taco sauces, sweet & sour sauces, herbs and spices are permissible in any amount. Mayonnaise contains unsaturated fatty acids (oil) and must be counted in your daily oil allotment.
    2 tsp. mayonnaise or salad dressing, commercial = 1 tsp. oil
    1 tsp. mayonnaise, homemade = 1 tsp. oil
    1 Tbsp. "fat-free" mayonnaise = 1 tsp. oil
    Fat-free salad dressings = zero (0) fat and oil
    Caffeine. Caffeine-containing products increase nervousness and insomnia, as well as frequency and urgency to urinate. Therefore, it is necessary to limit these beverages to a maximum of 3 cups daily (can be combined). If an increase in symptoms occurs, do not consume caffeine.

    • 1 cup coffee + 1 cup tea + 1 cup cola = 3 cups daily total.
    • 3 cups coffee or 3 cups tea or 3 cups cola = 3 cups daily total.
    In whatever way you decide to combine your caffeine, the daily amount must not exceed 3 cups.

    Alcohol. Most patients tend to be sensitive to alcoholic beverages. A glass of wine or a cocktail with the evening meal is permissible.

    NUTS AND SEEDS. Nuts and seeds are good sources of natural oils as well as essential fatty acids. Commercial nut butters that are not hydrogenated or that you grind yourself at the health food store, also contain good sources of oil. Daily snacks of these foods help to maintain a good energy level. The following list is to be used to count your daily intake of oil:

    • 2 tsp. peanut butter or other nut butters (old-fashioned, non-hydrogenated) = 1 tsp. oil
    • 1/2 oz. (about 10) peanuts, almonds or cashews = 1 tsp. oil
    • 1/3 oz. (about 10) any other kind of nuts (walnut and pecan halves, filberts, hazelnuts) = 1 tsp. oil
    • 3 tsp. sunflower seeds = 1 tsp. oil
    • 3 tsp. pumpkin kernels = 1 tsp. oil
    • 1/3 oz. Energy Snack Mix = 1 tsp. oil (mix together almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds)
    FRUITS. Recommended amount is two (2) fruits daily. All fruits are permissible in any amount. Fresh fruits are preferred since they contain the most nutrients, followed by frozen and then canned fruits.

    The following fruits contain unsaturated fatty acids and must be counted in the daily oil allotment:
    • Avocados. 1/8 = 1 tsp. of unsaturated fat (oil) = 5 grams
    • Olives. 3 medium black = 1 tsp. of unsaturated fat (oil) = 5 grams
    • Olives. 6 medium green = 1 tsp. of unsaturated fat (oil) = 5 grams
    VEGETABLES. Recommended amount is 2 cups daily. 1 cup = 1 serving. Vegetables provide the body with vitamins and minerals and are rich in essential fatty acids. You are encouraged to include a variety of vegetables in your daily diet.

    POULTRY. The average serving is four (4) ounces.

    Skinned, trimmed white chicken or turkey meat is permissible. Avoid processed meat products such as ground turkey and chicken, which may contain dark meat, skin and fat; luncheon meats made from pressed turkey and chicken; and canned turkey and chicken products. For ground turkey and chicken breast, grind it yourself or ask your butcher to prepare and grind it for you when the grinder is clean. This may cost a bit more.

    FISH. All white fish is permissible in any amount:

    Cod, abalone, halibut, snapper, smelt, flounder, sole, sturgeon, tuna canned in water, shark, mahi mahi, haddock, perch, pollack, etc.
    All shellfish is permissible in any amount:
    Clams, crab, lobster, oysters, scallops, shrimp. (For those patients with elevated cholesterol levels, shellfish should be eaten infrequently.)
    Fatty fish contains unsaturated fatty acids and must be counted in your daily oil allowance. You are allowed 50 grams (10 tsp.) per day.

    • Tuna, canned in oil -- 2 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)
    • Tuna, canned in oil, rinsed & drained -- 3 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)
    • Salmon, Chinook -- 1 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)
    • Salmon, Coho -- 2 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)
    • Trout -- 2 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)
    • Sardines, canned in oil -- 1 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)
    • Herring -- 1 oz. = 1 tsp. oil (5 grams)

    RED MEATS. During the first year on the diet, red meat is not allowed, including pork.

    Of the following low-fat meats, 3 oz. = 1 tsp. saturated fat. You are allowed 3 ounces (weighed after cooking) following the first year.

    Low-Fat Meats
    • Lamb (leg)
    • Liver (chicken, turkey, beef, calf, pork)
    • Kidney (pork, veal, lamb)
    • Heart (calf, beef - lean portion only)
    • Tongue (calf only)
    • Rabbit
    • Venison
    • Elk
    • Gizzard (chicken)
    2 ounces of the following medium-fat meats = 1 tsp. saturated fat. You are allowed 3 ounces following the first year.

    Medium-Fat Meats

    • Beef (lean only)
    • Ham (lean only)
    • Lamb (rib, loin, shoulder)
    • Pork (lean only)
    • Veal
    • Chicken (dark meat, no skin)
    • Turkey (dark meat, no skin)
    • Pheasant (no skin)
    • Squab (no skin)
    • Heart (lamb, chicken, turkey)
    • Kidney (beef)
    • Tongue (beef)
    • Gizzard (turkey)
    VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS The following vitamin supplements are recommended:

    1. 1 tsp. cod liver oil or 4 capsules (equals 5 grams oil to be counted in your daily allotment). Cod liver oil contains highly unsaturated fatty acids and will give you more energy. It also aids in reducing the number of colds and flu you may have. Cod liver oil is high in vitamins A and D. Additional A and D should be restricted to only one therapeutic multiple vitamin and mineral capsule per day (not mega doses).
    2. 1 multiple vitamin with minerals (see #1 above).
    3. 1,000 mg. vitamin C
    4. 400 IU vitamin E

    FATS. The main energy-providing components of food are protein, fat, carbohydrate and alcohol. Of these, weight for weight, fats provide the most energy at 9 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram in carbohydrates and proteins. There are two types of fats: saturated and unsaturated (fats and oils). Fats are broken down in the body to form three kinds of fatty acids as follows:
    • saturated fatty acids
    • monounsaturated fatty acids
    • polyunsaturated fatty acids.
    SATURATED FATTY ACIDS. Saturated fats are those lipids containing mainly saturated fatty acids found in animal fat, processed (hydrogenated) vegetable oils, coconut and palm oils. Saturated or animal fats are solid or hard at room or refrigerator temperatures.

    POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS. Both vegetable and animal products contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Abundant sources are sunflower, safflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and soybean oils. Salmon and trout are meat sources.

    MONO-UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS. These are found mainly in vegetable oils and nuts. Olive oil is an excellent source of this fatty acid.

    HYDROGENATION. When reading labels you will become familiar with this term. Polyunsaturated fats do not resist spoilage. When exposed to the air they begin to oxidize and become rancid. Chemically, unsaturated fats contain many double bonds. The process of hydrogenation adds hydrogen to reduce the number of double bonds, thereby making the oil saturated (solid) and more resistant to oxidation. This extends the shelf life of the product.

    "Non-fat" products may contain as much as 5 grams of saturated fat! When eating so-called non-fat products, count each serving as 1 gram of saturated fat.

    Your diet will consist of no more than 3 teaspoons (15 grams) of saturated fat per day.

    Your diet should contain a minimum of 4 teaspoons (20 grams) unsaturated fat (oil) and must not exceed 10 teaspoons (50 grams) daily. (5 grams = 1 tsp.)

    FATS AND OILS. Essential fatty acids are necessary nutrients in the diet. Because of the reduced consumption of saturated fat, it is suggested that you increase the consumption of unsaturated fats (oils).

    Essential fatty acids are necessary for the function of the nervous system. The body is able to synthesize most of the fatty acids needed for growth but must rely on necessary food sources for small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids known as Essential Fatty Acids. Fats and oils are a concentrated source of energy; each gram of fat or oil (9 calories per gram) supplies twice as much energy as protein or carbohydrate (4 calories per gram).

    On a low-fat diet, you may notice drying of your skin and hair, and easy fatigability, if your intake of unsaturated fat (oil) per day is limited. Your lifestyle will dictate the amount of unsaturated fatty acids necessary in your diet. If you are working and exercising, you may need to increase your oil. If you are sedentary, 4 teaspoons (20 grams) per day will usually be sufficient.

    The following oils may be used in your diet:
    • sunflower seed
    • olive
    • safflower
    • sesame seed
    • rapeseed (canola)
    • cottonseed
    • linseed
    • soybean
    • peanut
    • flax seed
    • Do not reuse oil when cooking.
    • Always refrigerate oil after opening to avoid rancidity (except olive oil).
    • Keep olive oil in a cool, dark place (do not refrigerate).
    • Do not heat oil to the smoking point.
    • Count oil used in cooking in your daily oil allowance.
    • Three (3) teaspoons of oil = one (1) tablespoon. Sixteen (16) tablespoons of oil = one (1) cup.
    • If an oil clouds or hardens at refrigerator temperature, do not use. (Olive oil is the exception to this rule.)

    Great Supplement--Omega 3--You should be taking it!!

    I always have to tell people how important it is to take Omega 3's as a supplement!
    They are so important to coat the cells especially our to protect our brains.  We don't get near enough omega 3's, even for those of us who enjoy fish in our diet regularly.

    Be sure to check that your Omega 3 supplement is high in EPA and DHA, usually the highest forms are in liquid, there are lots that taste great these days.  If you take it in capsule form you may have to take 5-7 just to get the amount you would get in 1 tsp of liquid so watch for that.

    Scientific research on Omega-3 and brain health.
    Omega-3 is the building block of the brain. So the brain has a voracious appetite for Omega-3 and other nutrients.
    Have you ever skipped a meal and felt light-headed? Well, that’s your brain asking for glucose.
    Your brain is like a muscle. To keep it toned, you need to do two things to it:
    1. Feed it
    2. Exercise it (think crossword puzzles and learning new languages)
    The brain is only 2% of your total body weight, but it can use up to a third of the energy from what you eat. So it is the first to suffer when you eat junk food or eat trans-fats.
    Sixty percent of a healthy brain is Omega fats.
    Omega-3 helps the transport of nutrients and “happy chemicals” (prostaglandins and neurotransmitters) like serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Omega-3 also laces or lines nerves. And since the brain is the center of the nervous system, it has a huge and constant need for Omega-3.
    So what happens when you don’t have enough Omega-3?
    The brain replaces or “makes do” with whatever type of fat is available. Usually, the brain (and the rest of the body for that matter) uses Omega-6 or trans-fat if that is what is available.
    Some scientists use a lock-and-key analogy to explain how Omega-3 helps nerve cells in the brain. Imagine there is an Omega-3 lock and an Omega-3 key. They belong together. An Omega-3 lock cannot be opened with any other key. So if there is not enough Omega-3 available, many parts of the brain simply stops working like they should.
    Bottom line: Not enough Omega-3 translates to a poorly working brain!

    Fish Oil Benefits
    Heart Health

    Fish oil helps:
    1. Promote healthy heart beat
    2. Moderate growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque
    3. Naturally balance triglycerides, an important heart health marker
    This is why the American Heart Association recommends that you take 1000 mg of Omega-3 everyday.
    Joint Care
    Omega-3 is a powerful anti-inflammatory for your joints.
    1. Reduces joint discomfort
    2. Reduces morning stiffness
    3. Helps reduces the amount of painkillers needed
    4. Reduces enzymes that destroy cartilage
    5. Increases grip strength
    6. Enhances walking pace
    Brain Health
    More than half the fats in the brain is Omega-3 DHA. And the lining of the nerve cells in the brain is lined with Omega-3. So, brain performance & function (cognition) is strongly influenced by the amount of Omega-3 in your diet.
    Increased levels of Omega-3 helps:
    1. Enhance memory
    2. Support thinking speed
    3. Increase overall cognition
    4. Manage age-related brain decline
    EPA Omega-3 is crucial in maintaining mood health. In several studies, EPA has been found to be as effective as prescription anti-depressants.
    Several studies have shown that persons with depression have low Omega-3 levels and high Omega-6 levels.

    This is why Omega-3 Has Become a Buzzword.
    1. Major health organizations want you to take Omega-3:
      • American Heart Association (AHA)
      • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
      • National Institute of Health (NIH)
      • World Health Organization (WHO)
      • Even the White House is recommending Omega-3
    2. Solid scientific proof for health benefits
    3. Media coverage

    Friday, May 3, 2013

    Another post on Lyme

    I found out the other day that an old friend of my parents who was diagnosed with MS many years ago who was lively and vibrant but quickly deteriorated in health after diagnosis just found out she too has Lyme disease.  She had to travel many provinces away as well to find out this diagnosis.  Is it that hard to believe Lyme is a big problem around here or is it that MS is an easier diagnosis, or is it because more money is to be made from the many medications and therapies MS sufferers take and go through, or is it really the fact that doctors are too ignorant to accept this is really happening and has become a kind of epidemic!
    It's not just people diagnosed falsely as MS, many people are told they can't figure out what is wrong with them and they go on knowing there is something wrong with no answers!  This is true with my Mom, and is the reason I was actually diagnosed with Lyme.
    My mom had to be hospitalized because of neurological symptoms.  The doctors first thought it was a stroke, then they told her the MRI showed no signs of stroke and it was a seizure and put her on anti-seizure meds.  The list went on and on, throughout this I asked for several different tests to be done which weren't done, Lyme was one of them.  The doctor said that isn't how Lyme manifests itself.  But it totally is, especially when it is in the later stages of the disease.  She has always had a recurring rash as well, anyway fed up with everything my Dad decided to take her to Calgary and told me to come and get checked out for allergies etc too.
    Turns out we both have Lyme disease, different stages and different bands, we also both have some allergies, none of them being the same which is funny too but it's obvious to me that Lyme disease is more common than I ever thought it was.  It took my Dad saying enough with all these diagnosis that make no sense, lets try and get somewhere with someone else. 
    How long have I been living with Lyme Disease?
    Do I have MS and Lyme?
    Could I have been treated with anti-biotics years ago and avoided the effects I have had to live with?
    So many questions remain unanswered.
    I am waiting now for my co-infections results to come back, as ticks can also spread other bacteria as well.  Once that test comes back I will be treated with long course anti-biotics and am hopeful that I will not have further relapses.
    The doctor said that the damage that it has caused will likely not be repaired but if treated properly no more damage will be done.
    I am so thankful to know what I know now!  Knowledge really is power, especially when it means getting this nasty bacteria out of me!!
    See below, makes me want to throw up thinking this is inside of me!!