Monday, May 6, 2013

Great Supplement--Omega 3--You should be taking it!!

I always have to tell people how important it is to take Omega 3's as a supplement!
They are so important to coat the cells especially our to protect our brains.  We don't get near enough omega 3's, even for those of us who enjoy fish in our diet regularly.

Be sure to check that your Omega 3 supplement is high in EPA and DHA, usually the highest forms are in liquid, there are lots that taste great these days.  If you take it in capsule form you may have to take 5-7 just to get the amount you would get in 1 tsp of liquid so watch for that.

Scientific research on Omega-3 and brain health.
Omega-3 is the building block of the brain. So the brain has a voracious appetite for Omega-3 and other nutrients.
Have you ever skipped a meal and felt light-headed? Well, that’s your brain asking for glucose.
Your brain is like a muscle. To keep it toned, you need to do two things to it:
  1. Feed it
  2. Exercise it (think crossword puzzles and learning new languages)
The brain is only 2% of your total body weight, but it can use up to a third of the energy from what you eat. So it is the first to suffer when you eat junk food or eat trans-fats.
Sixty percent of a healthy brain is Omega fats.
Omega-3 helps the transport of nutrients and “happy chemicals” (prostaglandins and neurotransmitters) like serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Omega-3 also laces or lines nerves. And since the brain is the center of the nervous system, it has a huge and constant need for Omega-3.
So what happens when you don’t have enough Omega-3?
The brain replaces or “makes do” with whatever type of fat is available. Usually, the brain (and the rest of the body for that matter) uses Omega-6 or trans-fat if that is what is available.
Some scientists use a lock-and-key analogy to explain how Omega-3 helps nerve cells in the brain. Imagine there is an Omega-3 lock and an Omega-3 key. They belong together. An Omega-3 lock cannot be opened with any other key. So if there is not enough Omega-3 available, many parts of the brain simply stops working like they should.
Bottom line: Not enough Omega-3 translates to a poorly working brain!

Fish Oil Benefits
Heart Health

Fish oil helps:
  1. Promote healthy heart beat
  2. Moderate growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque
  3. Naturally balance triglycerides, an important heart health marker
This is why the American Heart Association recommends that you take 1000 mg of Omega-3 everyday.
Joint Care
Omega-3 is a powerful anti-inflammatory for your joints.
  1. Reduces joint discomfort
  2. Reduces morning stiffness
  3. Helps reduces the amount of painkillers needed
  4. Reduces enzymes that destroy cartilage
  5. Increases grip strength
  6. Enhances walking pace
Brain Health
More than half the fats in the brain is Omega-3 DHA. And the lining of the nerve cells in the brain is lined with Omega-3. So, brain performance & function (cognition) is strongly influenced by the amount of Omega-3 in your diet.
Increased levels of Omega-3 helps:
  1. Enhance memory
  2. Support thinking speed
  3. Increase overall cognition
  4. Manage age-related brain decline
EPA Omega-3 is crucial in maintaining mood health. In several studies, EPA has been found to be as effective as prescription anti-depressants.
Several studies have shown that persons with depression have low Omega-3 levels and high Omega-6 levels.

This is why Omega-3 Has Become a Buzzword.
  1. Major health organizations want you to take Omega-3:
    • American Heart Association (AHA)
    • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • National Institute of Health (NIH)
    • World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Even the White House is recommending Omega-3
  2. Solid scientific proof for health benefits
  3. Media coverage

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